With a brief pause from football season, and Just under two weeks before the big Superbowl game, why not use this break to get your lawn jumpstarted and ready for your own summer games??


With the El Paso weather still cool, now is the perfect time to top dress your aging lawn with a layer of compost that will nourish your soil and help build a healthier, thicker, and greener lawn.   Of course, you can just toss the compost on top of the grass, but for best results, here are a few tips to help you get the most green for your efforts.

·      Mow your dormant grass ¼ inch lower that you normally would during growing season.

·      Rake, Bag and remove all debris (A thorough raking at this point is very beneficial)

·      If you choose, you may also aerate your lawn at this point

·      Apply an application of a good Soil Acidifier, such as Fertilome Iron Plus Acidifier. Follow the package directions for your square footage. (Repeat this application every six weeks throughout the year)

·      Apply a ¼ inch layer of compost evenly across your entire lawn.

·      Water in thoroughly.

Adding compost to your lawn, Builds good soil flora, helps improve soil structure, reduces the risk of lawn disease, eases traffic stress, relieves compaction problems and aids in water retention.

So, go ahead get up from that recliner and by Superbowl Sunday you can relax and watch the game knowing, you went for the touchdown, didn’t fumble the ball, and are already ahead of the game!!